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1八大功能段一、現象 // 問題描述功能句1.In recent years, …is becoming increasingly popular//prevalent at an amazing rate.近年來,…越來越流行。(現象)2.Along with the development of society, more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of the most serious problem is that…隨著社會的發展,越來越多的問題已經得到關注,其中最嚴重的是…(問題)3.….,which has attracted extensive attention of the society, which can be found in TV programs, newspapers, university classes and many aspect of our everyday life.當今,…得到了大家的廣泛關注,并可以在…被發現.二、分析原因功能句1.總原因的闡述(三選一)(1)A number of factors are accountable for this situation.(2)A number of factors might contribute to//account for the phenomenon//problem.(3)The answer to this problem involves many factors./ 許多原因導致這個問題、現象。2.分析原因功能句(由原因數量決定)(1)One of the most common factor is that…(2)Another contributing cause is…(3)Perhaps the primary reason is that…(4)But the fundamental element is that…三、解決問題功能句(總-分-總)1.措施主題句——has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life, which has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.…在日常生活中發揮著越來越重要的作用,它給我們帶來了很多好處,同事也給我們帶來了一些問題。2.分措施First and foremost, government should establish some regulations to… What’s more, people should get ready to… After all, it is necessary to advocate the whole society to…首先,政府需要建立規則…,老百姓需要做…,整個社會需要做…3.解決問題總結句All in all, we must keep highly alert of the problems evoked by it, because once the harmful influence accumulates to a certain degree, it will surely threaten the development of the whole society.總之,我們一定要警惕它給我們帶來更多的問題,因為這個負面影響積聚到一定的程度,它一定會威脅我們社會的發展。四、觀點闡述功能句(總-分-總)1.觀點主旨句(選擇之一)(1)People have /(take, adopt, assume/) different attitudes towards sth.(2)People have different opinions on this problem.(3)People take different views of /(on/) the question.不同的人有不同的觀點。2.觀點1According to a survey, some people are in favor of the idea of doing X. They point out the factor that 支持X的第一個原因 they also argue that 支持X的另一個原因根據調查,一些人支持…,他們認為…,他們還認為…3.兩個觀點之間的銜接句(1)There is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact.上述闡述有很多正確性,但是他們忽略了一個重要的事實。(2)A close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is.最近的調查會顯示出這個觀點有多么的荒謬。4. 觀點2(1)other people who stand on a different ground consider that… they firmly point out+反對x的第一個理由。(2)An example can give the details of this argument:例子然而,其他的人有相反的觀點,他們認為…五、觀點結論功能句(選擇之一//總-分-分)1.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that…綜上所述,我們可以得出下面的結論。2.It is difficult to say whether… is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of… .However, from a personal point of view.我們很難說…是好還是壞,因為它取決于…。然而,在我看來。六、展望未來功能句(選擇之一)1.….is crucial for every individual. With its seemingly magic power, it can not only accelerate better individuals ’development, but serve as an efficient instrument for individuals to change the world.…對每個人來說都是重要的,有了它的神奇力量,它不僅…還可以…2.It can directly promote the rapid progress of the organization and indirectly spurs continuous development of the individuals. And eventually brings economic prosperity and social harmony.它可以直接促進… 還可以帶來…/ 七、漫畫描述功能句1.According to the figure //number//statistics//percentages in / the //chart//bar graph//line//graph, it can be seen that…2.As is vividly shown//described//depicted in the cartoon//picture,如圖所示…八、引語解釋功能句1.There is an old saying/_/_/_/_. It’s the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases even today. / 古話說:“…”,但是現今仍然是準確的。2作文類型以及相應段落一、漫畫、圖表、引語類作文第一段:描述圖表//漫畫//引語含義(漫畫、圖表、引語描述功能句)第二段:分析原因//觀點闡述(分析原因//觀點闡述功能句)第三段:展望未來//解決問題(展望未來//解決問題功能句)二、現象解釋類作文第一段:描述現象,引出話題(現象描述功能句)第二段:闡述正反觀點(觀點描述功能句:總+分+總)第三段:總結觀點(觀點總結功能句)/ 三、問題解決類作文第一段:問題描述(問題描述功能句)第二段:解決問題的原因(分析原因功能句)第三段:解決問題的措施(解決問題功能)四、對比觀點類作文第一段:正方觀點+理由(觀點闡述功能句)第二段:反方觀點+理由(觀點闡述功能句)第三段:我的觀點/ /(觀點總結功能句/)五、應用文(求職信、辭職信、建議信等)1.寫作目的2.寫信內容(注意格式)
台中個人信貸利率最低 申請個人信貸條件 新北整合負債是什麼 之前有說明過申辦房屋貸款有分為三種管道台北銀行小額貸款 軍公教用車子去貸款 嘉義買保險要注意什麼 民間房屋貸款是什麼?本利攤還 苗栗整合負債申請條件 花蓮銀行借貸 生孩子要多少錢?預備好這3件事開心迎接新生命!土地貸款人 卡債整合留言板 南投首次購屋貸款成數 負債百萬怎麼辦…我該如何解決負債?